BA Economics & FinanceAdd to shortlist


Business & Economics


BA Economics & Finance

3 years

€157 - 2040 pa

Programme profile

This programme  aims to provide students with a solid foundation in the dynamics of modern economic and financial systems. The first two years of the programme cover basic economics, while the third year has a more economic-financial basis. In both the second and third years students may choose elective modules in a range of economic subjects: economics, history of economics, business, legal, statistical and maths modules. The learning areas of the third year include specific sub-fields of economics, econometrics, economic-financial modules.

Fees fixed with reference to family income.

Entry Requirements

3 A-Levels, in subjects related to Economics and/or Finance and 3 GCSEs.

6 passes at LC [inc 2 H5]. Subjects to include those related to Economics and Finance. Hons Maths preferred.

Yes: SAT or TOLC



21 February

26 June

Possibility of later deadline (3rd September) if there are vacant places