BA Business & ManagementAdd to shortlist


Business & Economics

Business & Management

BA Business & Management

3 years

€3800 pa

Programme profile

The purpose of this programme is to give you a good knowledge of business, with particular focus on the main organisational and structural elements of a business and the best management practices in different life cycle stages of a business. The programme looks in-depth at the main processes and functions (i.e. marketing, production, organisation, accounting, strategy, planning and control) related to different types of businesses and companies.

The objective of the programme is to develop specific ?managerial and operational? skills by using the best practices available in team working and problem solving. The teaching programme is structured in two levels. The first level is focused on the basic concepts and principles of management and provides a solid knowledge of economics, law, statistics and mathematics. The next level addresses specific managerial issues and practices in an international perspective.

Fees can be discounted to Eur800 pa, on basis of family income

Programme content

The core modules of the programme are:

Business Administration; Accounting; Marketing; Management; Public Law; Private & Commercial Law; Mathematics for Economics & Finance; Statistics; Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Finance & Banking; Business Organisation; Management Accounting; Advanced Business Administration; Financial Markets; Corporate Finance; Economic Sociology; Production Technology

During the programme, students have follow a minimum internship period of a month.


The university offers a related Masters programme, taught through English, in the following area:

International Accounting
Finance & Insurance

Entry Requirements

3 A-levels (grades between A and E) + 3 GCSE (grades between A and C). Subjects to include Maths

Leaving Certificate showing at least 6 subjects of which at least 2 are Higher Level subjects (at least Grade H4)




03 June

06 September