BSc Psychological SciencesAdd to shortlist
Social Sciences
BSc Psychological Sciences
3 years
€3500-8700 pa
Programme profile
This progrmme is offered on the Milan Campus
The programme focuses on an interdisciplinary knowledge of the basic and innovative issues of the psychology discipline.
Programme content
1st year
Experimental Psychology; Philosophy of Psychology; Social Psychology; Psychodynamics; Fundamentals of Neurobiology abd Genetics; Research Methods; Foreign Language
2nd year
Statistics; Advanced Research Methods; Developmental Psychology; Group Process and Interventions (inc Practical); Interview and Survey Design; Neuropsychology; Work and Organisational Psychology; Cooperative Learning Activities
3rd year
Clinical Interviewing (inc. Practical); Clinical Psychology; Psychological Testing (inc Practical); Guided Practice
Two electives from:
Cognitive Enhancement
Consumer Health Psychology
Family Psychology
Child Psychology
Psychology of Adolescence
Psychology of Communicaton
Entry Requirements
Three A-Levels and three GCSEs
Six passese at Leaving Cert, inc 2 x H5
16 December
12 July