Discover Dutch Liberal Arts & Sciences degrees
Written on Saturday, 27 July 2024 16:21

Online, on January 19th at 19,00 (Irish)Register here

Don't really know what degree to study yet? Want to explore your academic interests before committing to a specific direction? Would you like to find out how being able to look at an issue from multiple viewpoints can increase your understanding? Missed the 15th January deadline for numerus fixus programmes?

Regardless of whether you are interested in humanities, science, arts and/or social science this is all possible at the university colleges!

Above: University College Roosevelt

Liberal Arts and Sciences degrees are the selective degree programmes (entry to some is very competitive) offered by Dutch University Colleges, the multi-faculty entity responsible for delivering these programmes, which form part of the leading research universities in the Netherlands. See all the programmes here

Liberal Arts and Science degrees are based on a US-style university education where students study a multiplicity of subjects in first year before specialising ("majoring ") in second year.

A group of University Colleges will be giving a webinar, (Wednesday 8th December 19.00) together with Irish students, explaining this model and outlining the benefits of joining a University College community.

Among the University Colleges attending are:

- Erasmus University College
- Leiden
University College
- University College Utrecht
- University College Roosevelt

Importantly, Irish students from these universities will be available for a chat on the night.

Register here

Meet Radboud University
Written on Saturday, 27 July 2024 16:21

Meet Radboud University

In the next of our series of university-specific webinars, you have the opportunity (on 10th January @ 19.00 Irish)' to meet admissions staff and Irish students from one of the leading research universities in the Netherlands and find out about their undergraduate programmes, and life in Nijmegen. the oldest city in the Netherlands.

Importantly, Irish students will be available for a chat on the night: of course, they are the real experts! Learn about the benefits of studying in the Netherlands. Yes, you'll work hard, but you'll play hard too.

Radboud offers degree programmes, through English, at undergraduate level, in the following subject areas:

Arts & Culture
English Language & Culture

Business & Economics
Economics & Business Economics
International Business Administration
International Business Communication

Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science

American Studies
Comparative European History

Molecular Life Sciences

Social Sciences
Political Science

Register here


Late Medicine and Dentistry Places!
Written on Saturday, 27 July 2024 16:21

Pomeranian Medical University, the 7th ranked medical school in Poland, has announced a late "supplementary recruitment round" to its 6-year Medicine and 5-year Dentistry degree programmes.

Selection is based on your grades in two out of four subjects (from Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths) at Leaving Certificate. Other grades/points irrelevant! No entrance test required.

Application deadline 23.00 Tuesday 21 September.

Contact us This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information.

Still some veterinary medicine places in Europe
Written on Saturday, 27 July 2024 16:21

There are still a few vacancies to study on English-taught veterinary medicine degree programmes, in Central Europe.

Though the most popular destination for Irish students (Warsaw University of Life Sciences ) is currently full, there are places available in:

- Wroclaw UELS See here. (application deadline 03 September, though could be extended)
- Lithuanian UHS See here. (application deadline 15 August)

Please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or more information.

Still programmes accepting applications in the Netherlands
Written on Saturday, 27 July 2024 16:21


Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences still open for applications (but only for a few days!

Most (but not all) of the Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences are still accepting applications. Among the programmes still open (shown with their application deadline) are:

Business Innovation InHolland UAS (01 August)
Human Resource Management Saxion UAS (15 August)
International Business Avans UAS (01 August)
International Business Hague UAS (01 August)
International Business Hanze UAS (15 August)
International Business Rotterdam Business School (31 July)
International Marketing Fontys UAS (15 August)

Communication & Media
Creative Business Utrecht UAS (01 August)
International Communication Hanze UAS (15 August)
Media & Entertainment Management NHL Stenden UAS (15 August)
Music Management InHolland UAS (01 August)

Aeronautical Engineering InHolland UAS (01 August)
Automotive Engineering HAN UAS (15 August)
Electrical Engineering Fontys UAS (15 August)
Industrial Design Engineering Hague UAS (01 August)
Mechanical Engineering Hanze UAS (15 April)
Mechatronics (Fontys UAS (15 August)

Creative Media & Game Technology Saxion UAS (15 August)
Digital Business Concepts Fontys UAS (01 August)
Information Technology NHL Stenden UAS (15 August)
Software Engineering & Informatics Fontys UAS (15 August)
Software Engineering Saxion UAS (15 August)

Hotel Management/Tourism
International Hospitality Management NHL Stenden UAS (15 August)
Tourism Management NHL Stenden UAS (15 August)

Law/Social Sciences
International Law Hague UAS (01 August)
International Social Work HAN UAS (15 August)

Politics/International Relations
European Studies Hague UAS (01 August)
International Development VHL UAS (01 August)

Animal Husbandry VHL UAS (01 August)
Chemistry HAN UAS (15 August)
Environmental Science Avans UAS (01 August)
Life Sciences HAN UAS (15 August)

Sports Studies Hague UAS (01 August)

International Primary School Teaching NHL Stenden UAS (15 August)
International Secondary School Teaching NHL Stenden UAS (15 August)

Note: it is possible that some of programmes marked with  01 August deadline might accept a later application.

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