
National Higher Education System

Higher education institutes can be classified as: universities, specialised higher schools and independent colleges. Universities offer studies in a wide range of disciplines in at least three of the four major areas of knowledge (humanities, natural sciences, social and technical sciences) at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees.Specialised higher schools provide education mainly in one of the major areas of knowledge, which is indicated in the institution's name. These institutions may provide Master and Doctoral programmes with the provisions of the law.The independent Colleges are entities providing more vocational orientated higher education. They offer 3-year programmes of training.

Hungary has 20 State Universities and 7 non-state unversities


Fees vary considerably though generally they are between €3500 and €5000 pa. They are significantly higher for Health Sciences programmes.

Grants & Loans

There are no grants or loans available from the local system

Application Process

There is no element of centralisation in the Hungarian system: you have to apply directly to the university of your choice, enclosing a dossier of documents, the contents of which varies from university to university. The admission requirements, processes and deadlines differ between institutions.

Some institutions, particularly in the Health Sciences subjects, require you to take an entrance exam.