BSc in Power EngineeringAdd to shortlist




BSc in Power Engineering

4 years

€0 pa

Programme profile

Students on this programme receive a thorough education in the area of thermal engineering, electric power engineering, information technologies and economics. The programme provides knowledge and skills crucial for sustainable development, ecological production, transmission, and distribution of electricity. Students are prepared to work creatively within the area of design, commissioning, and operation of power systems, as well as energy production, conversion, transmission and distribution

Programme content

During the first year, studies focus on mathematics, physics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and computer science.

The core subjects for the second year are fundamentals of mechanical design, control engineering, and foreign language. You also learn advanced thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer theory of heat machines, electric machines, electronics, fundamentals of combustion processes and fuels, theory of flow machines, and electric power systems.

In the third year, you learn about thermal power systems, energy sources, and energy conversion, technologies of environmental protection, renewable energy systems, control of heat processes, they also learn about turbines, pumps, steam boilers, reciprocating engines and heat pumps.

Entry Requirements

Three A-levels and three GCSEs. Good grades in Maths and Physics enhance your chance of selection

Six passes at Leaving Cert, inc 2 x H5. Good grades in Maths and Physics enhance your chance of selection




04 May

17 July